My life before Makers Academy
The context: ten years ago, I started my studies in Nutrition Science. I found it interesting to study food and its biochemistry. After graduating, I realised that real life was different from what I learned at university. I would like to study science and not prescribe diets for people who want to lose weight.
I was not happy and decided to move to London.
I worked in the pharmaceutical industry in a cleanroom environment for two years. And as enjoyable as the job was, there was still something missing inside me that didn’t make me completely happy with my career.

I knew that something had to change in my life, but I wasn’t quite sure what or how. The only thing I was sure of was the reason.
I tried the entrepreneurial life. I sold twelve cakes online on a newly created website, using the Google Ads and Google Analytics tools I had learned by taking a Digital Marketing course on the Udacity platform.
I continued generally working in the pharmaceutical industry while maintaining my website. However, when that marketing course ended, I enrolled in a Javascript course for beginners from Alura that taught me how to replicate classic games like Pong and Freeway just for fun.
I wanted to learn more about programming and started studying JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures through freeCodeCamp.
At that moment, I discovered Makers that had a Bootcamp that could change my life. I looked at myself in the mirror and asked: “Is this what I want? The moment to change careers is now”. The answer was yes!
I did all the step-by-step instructions they sent by email. I reached 100% on Codecademy and 132 Honor points on Codewars. I learned a lot in this process, because everything I didn’t know, I would research on Google and the Ruby documentation.

Today I feel like a rose after drying. The plant is not dead yet. So if you cut the stem, a branch with a beautiful rose will grow.
That’s what I did: I cut the path that wasn’t making me happy to be able to follow the way that I’m interested in and find fascinating.